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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Preparing for Natural Disasters

6/7/2022 (Permalink)

Tropical Storm Alex Miami flooding Tropical Storm Alex has already caused massive damage across Miami, FL. Hurricane season affects the entire east coast.

How do you reduce your risk and minimize the damage from a flood, hurricane, tornado, blizzard, or other natural disaster? Being prepared is one key according to the Connecticut Guide to Emergency Preparedness. Based on this publication from the Connecticut Department of Public Health, here are some tips.

What To Do Before Any Natural Disaster
We recommend you always have an emergency supply kit ready. The Red Cross explains what your emergency kit should contain. And know what the major weather terms mean. A severe storm watch means dangerous weather may happen. A severe weather warning means a storm is on the way and you should seek shelter right away. Stay tuned to a reliable local weather forecast so you’ll know the latest about conditions. Most important may be that if emergency officials tell you to evacuate you should do so. Make arrangements in advance for a place you can stay for a few days. That place should be out of the weather pattern your home town is experiencing.

Flash Flooding
If there’s the threat of a flash flood, move quickly to higher ground. Water rushing at you in a flood can easily knock you off your feet. The water doesn’t have to be very deep to knock you down if the current is strong. If you’re in a car and water comes around you, get out and move to higher ground right away. Cars can be swept away in just two feet of moving water.   

Weather forecasters are usually good about letting you know ahead of time if a blizzard is coming. Avoid driving during or before a blizzard.  Be sure you have enough food and supplies  to last a few days. Plan on not having electricity or phone service.

If there’s snow, make sure inlets and outlets for your furnace and other appliances are not blocked. You want to avoid ventilation problems and carbon monoxide build-up. Also be sure your car’s tail pipe (exhaust) is clear of snow or ice before you start the car.

To Restore Your Property After A Natural Disaster Call SERVPRO of Glastonbury/Wethersfield at (860) 633-8791

A tornado warning means you need to take shelter immediately. If you’re in your car, stop. Never try to outrun a tornado. Get out of the car and lie flat, face down in a low area. Cover your head and wait for the tornado to pass by. If you are home, go to your basement, storm shelter, or a room near the middle of the home. In a tall building go to the middle of the building to a stairwell or hallway. The middle of the building is less likely to experience damage.

When Glastonbury or Weathersfield (your immediate area) experiences strong winds, thunder, and lightning that may indicate a hurricane is coming. Hurricanes may have winds of 75 miles per hour or more. Hurricane season in Connecticut is June 1 through November 30. If you receive a hurricane-warning, take shelter right away or evacuate if you’re told to do so. You can learn more about what to do before and after a hurricane at ct.gov/hurricane.  

After any natural disaster, SERVPRO of Glastonbury/Wethersfield is here to help. We’re also available to consult with you about natural disaster preparation. Call SERVPRO of Glastonbury/Wethersfield at 860-633-8791) anytime, 24/7.

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